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My tent on the only flat spot we could find. We hiked in this trip
just before dark only to get caught on the snowfields in a torrential
downpoar. We picked this spot, and later the next day we dicovered
what a beautiful campsite we had chosen.
After waking up to more torrential rain & hail storms, the weather
cleared. Trying not to be suicidal, we picked a different route than
we had planned on. This one we could glissade or rapell back down if
the storm came back. This was taken at the shoulder, half way up the
east face. We stopped here (the only flat spot all day) for
lunch. That's Rick on the left and Kim on the right.
Rick and Kim pick their way up the scree slope between two
snowfields. We stayed on this for awhile to get around an nasty
looking face that had been swept by avalances.
Rick and Kim top our on the ridge. This last part got fun as the
hailstorm came back, and the snow had turned to a thin ice ribbon over
wet, glossy rock. (at around 13,000ft) The lightning show from the
ridge was spectacular.